Augeo Email Marketing
Email marketing remains a valuable part of the ecommerce arsenal, offering a direct and responsive method of making contact with existing customers with the aim of increasing sales.
In many cases the real value of email marketing is never realised. The ‘one message to catch all’ nature of many emails sent by companies reduces the activity to a basic numbers game.
However, combine email addresses with previous purchase history, demographics or other customer or purchase related data and your email can act as a major driver for customer purchasing.
The Augeo framework does not seek to replace the current suite of email marketing packages available, we think there are some pretty good systems on the market already. Instead we aim to provide the email marketer or client, with unparalleled levels of opportunity to target customers through advanced data exports of customer data.
To find out how the Augeo framework unlocks the potential for highly targeted customer emails get in touch with a member of the team.
Augeo usability design advantages

Augeo Usability Design Advantages
At the heart of creativity is the freedom to make choices. Yours or your clients’ website should be designed around usability and design aesthetics, not constrained by a series of fixed page or site plans.
Whatever your layout or navigational flow, the Augeo framework can adapt to meet your design needs.
In many cases, the key to usability success is in providing the site visitor with multiple routes to make their purchase. Enabling customers to navigate according to their own buying process, whether by brand, category, related models or any other unique method specific to a particular product type, can release hidden potential in your ecommerce development.
Advanced design features such as embedded video, audio, animation and 360 photography can help provide richer shopping experiences, allowing the customer to buy with confidence.
Unleash your creativity and make your site more usable when your customer comes looking, speak to a member of the Augeo team to learn more about our advanced design and usability features
Augeo conversion optimisation

You have the visitors, now it’s time to convert them into sales.
Your business success online is down to maximising on the revenue to be made from each individual visitor to your site. Understanding how your potential customer navigates your site, or the wastage rates as the customer passes through the buying process, can make the difference between a loss and profit from your website.
Advanced tracking systems, goals and detailed metrics are vital in ensuring your team are armed with the knowledge required to make site adjustments designed to increase sales and profitability. Whether working with a dedicated conversion specialist or alone, the Augeo framework ensures that your decisions are based on actual performance and not just a hunch.
Don’t just take a gamble, arm yourself with the facts. Speak to a member of the Augeo team to find out we enable advanced tracking and other conversion optimisation features on all our developments.
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